Urban Farming

WeTree considers urban farming as a top priority for investing. WeTree encourages community level bio-organic vegan food growing, vertical farming, hydroponics, aeroponics and food supplies projects within local communities

Urban farming projects are among the most profitable and fastest growing ventures at WeTree; hence we can distribute monthly profits to our investors seeking current income options


WeTree invests into hydroponics as a preferred asset class. Treepreneurs manage community level socially active hydroponic projects and grow salads, vegetables, herbs, in-door plants and other species essential for the biodynamic food chain


WeTree sustainable gardening accords special attention to the vertical aeroponic projects. Aeroponic gardening uses 98% less water than hydroponics and grows crops at faster pace. WeTree also franchises Aeroponic Treepreneurship

Food Supplies

Smart urban farming produces higher yields of fresh vegan food items. It is very important that harvests reach consumers in-time having their freshness intact with no-loss of nutrients. WeTree invests into localized community level food supply chains

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sustainability & the impact

Eco Friendly

WeTree ensures verified listing of green eco-friendly projects that are carbon neutral and environment friendly


WeTree ESG strategy is socially conscious green investing that considers financial returns while preserving nature


Treeconomy projects positive returns targeting more than 30% p.a. with capital preservation and TreeTop rewards


Treeconomy is a vibrant commercial ecosystem comprising of Small businesses, scalable to infinity


WeTree capital preservation strategy secures principal amounts invested via diversification across assets and locations


Sustainability is connected to the capital efficiency enabling prosperity cycle for better social mobility

Ongoing Projects

Our ongoing projects reflect our ongoing resolve towards sustainability and ethical investing. WeTree encourages urban farming among people and communities to enforce our mission to combat food security issues and to promote microscale circular economy. It is our collective responsibility to promote green economy simply by choosing to be a part of it. Invest into a greener future . . .

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Green Eco-Cloud Investing

worldwide ecosystem of green economy projects and microscale eco-friendly businesses